Thursday, August 21, 2008

Excitation of Inertial-Acoustic Waves in PPDisks (Tobi)

Properties of Keplerian flows that develop in the accretion disk. Shear, angular momentum transport, etc, check Balbus & Hawley 1998 for a thorough review.

Propagation of waves in the MRI turbulence. High-time resolution needed to see the waves. Some people have seen it before but mistook it as numerical artifacts.

The waves are trailing.

Radial wavenumber depends linearly in time. The fourier modes swing successively from leading (kx/ky<0)>0).

The power shows shear in k-space.

Inertial acoustic wave equation

d2p/dt2+[k^2c^2+Omega^2]p=-c^2 i kx(t) ksi + (q-2)Omega*Nx + dNy/dt


N=div(T), T=stress tensor (nonlinear terms)

WBKJ analysis reveals that there is a preferred wavenumber for which the amplitude of the waves is maximum. The preferred wavenumber is very low.

The steady damping of the waves seen towards high wavenumbers may be due to turbulent diffusion.

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